
Showing posts from August, 2017

This is what a PTSD meltdown feels like.

My breathe grew sharp. I got cold chills. There was a ringing in my ears. I told myself I was safe. I continued driving. I drove for the next ten minutes, white knuckled barely breathing. There was the toddler in the back happily talking to me about going to the store. I gritted my teeth and spoke calmly, the words left my mouth broken but he was unaware. He was unaware that his mom in driver seat just took everything she had to make it to our destination while having one of the worst meltdowns to date. I was loopy, I was exhausted. I hurt from the tips of my toes to the top of white hairs on my head. My skin hurt to the touch. My clothes caused immense pain. I called my best friend and put her on stand by for a rescue mission. I got a hold of husband. Between the two of them they got me calm enough, and the good adrenaline ( not the bad adrenaline where I feel constantly under attack) kicked in and I somehow mustered the energy to go grocery shopping. Now, remember I have one ki