
Showing posts from October, 2015

To be or to be poor that is my question..........

Well it's been awhile since I last wrote. Things have improved on one end and spiraled in another. I am almost 10 pounds lighter, go me, husband has a new job, oldest is well mellowing I think, middle child is adjusting well to school and the baby is getting his molars early. The end of the year is always the hardest. Money becomes tight. The holidays come in. I miss my Grampa, my other angels, and I worry about how to tie all the strings together and keep it all going afloat. I mean this feels like it is a pretty normal middle class problem................only not sure we technically qualify as middle class anymore, and that is where my problem lies. We made this wonderful change, a change that so desperately needed to happen for the emotional and relationship status of everybody who lives here. That is why we made the leap of faith. The reality is I have no clue how to make this work. NO CLUE. I don't want a hand out. We can't make it without help though. I don'