
Showing posts from January, 2023
  Isn't that a crazy quote? I saw it looking for something profound and motivational to spin a blog off of. Nearing almost 40 I felt this quote in my soul. Would I consider myself ever been popular? No. Would I say I have had lots of friends? No. Would I ever call myself a trend setter...........guess what the answer is....NO! This quote speaks to me for that reason.  I was and have been the token chubby kid in most peoples lives growing up. I was told I would be prettier if I lost weight. I would get along better with people if I just wasn't so dramatic. I was told if I didn't care so much I wouldn't get hurt so much. I grew up with a love hate relationship with food, still do. I grew up feeling like my value as a person was intertwined with my appearance. I wasn't outwardly attractive by many peoples standards so I internalized it, and it made me find myself not loveable. This is a battle that I have fought most of my life, I know many people have to.  I've wa