
Showing posts from June, 2014

Mini Thor has arrived!!!

Things you learn in life, nothing goes as planned, even your backup plan. So let us start with a recap of the week. On June 10, I had an semi impromptu doctors appointment. I had massive swelling in my feet, my toes turned purple and I was losing circulation in my hands and feet. Now if your pregnant and you haven't typically had these issues this is a bad sign, this could be a sign of toxemia. In my case they were like well your miserable your close to the end, if you get a headache go to the ER. Okay so now I was pissed. I still had to go in the next day for my pre-op appointment. June 11, go to my pre-op appointment, rather bitchy. It was a quick trip. I did some errands before hand, Littleman was going to run out of his medicine and I wanted to make sure he was good. So I go to leave my appointment and realize the nice shiny still under three month old van had been hit. Seriously. I cried. Freaked out a little, then freaked out a lot. Came home, had the babysitter stick aroun

Some thoughts....

I really don't mean to be a downer but when you enter the Land of Chaos sometimes we have to face the less than perfect moments head on. I am not good at outwardly expressing these feelings. Actually I am a very good at burying my head in the sand. Slowly the people that have become my inner circle have pushed me to come out of the sand recently. As I wait still for Mini Thor to make his appearance these are things that are going through my head. Littleman is 10. He is in fourth grade. He is on the Autism Spectrum and has some accompanying behavioral disorders like Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, and a few other little quirks. He is always going to be the most difficult child. I don't say this to be mean, or to give an excuse, this is just life. This is just the things we work with everyday in our life. There is so much more that goes into him and his ten years then I willing to cover right now. Let's just say as much as we struggle with him so