That Damn Folder

There's a packet on my kitchen table. This one has nothing to do with the kids. This packet almost feels like it decides my future. Like all the possibilities live within those twenty papers. That is just the start. Twenty papers isn't a big deal right? What if in those twenty papers held the key to your success for a healthy future? What in those twenty pages was everything you have tried and failed? What if in those twenty papers is a commitment unlike any ( not even marriage) you have made before? What if it's the hardest thing you have ever tried to do? In that folder sits my bariatric paperwork. In that folder sits forms I will have to fill out and then appointments I will have to make. In that folder sits my best opurtunity to keep all my limbs. In the folder sits my best opportunity to stop my knee pain. It would be AMAZING not to hurt every day. Yes I could get a shot in my knee, but it's easier to grow numb to the pain. I get used to it it's normal pain r...