When the Sheep Evolves
I keep my circle small. So small in fact, that when I post these publicly I know the vast majority of people I know in real life will blow past this post. It's been proven since 2014? is that my first post on here. The person who started writing then isn't the same person who is writing now. She was lonely and desperately trying to fit in somewhere, anywhere. She was overwhelmed and struggling with so many things, so many. The person who started this set off to save the world through her writing. The person who started off writing, I wish I could hug her, and tell her, she is going to become so much more of the person she wanted to be. The person writing now, she's been through some shit. She has healed from some shit. She still feels lonely, I don't think we ever stop having those moments, we are human. I know I will never fit in to the places I spent most of my life trying to. I am in a race, with myself most days, just trying to be better then yesterday. Life...