Did you miss me while I was gone?

It has been two months since I last wrote. The funny thing is, when I think of what has happened nationally, and then in my own little bubble it is AMAZING, some good, some bad, some things I haven't decided where I stand.

We got to the end of a really long hard road. One child no longer lives with us. He is a good home where he can get the help he needs. The goal is always to get him to be able to function as a member of this house. For now, it means he doesn't live here. While this was hard, and I found myself fighting with my choice, ultimately, he is where he needs to be. He can come home for visits and we can call him so it's not like we can't have contact with him.

My middle child Jon, has also come almost to the end of another long road. We have a diagnosis of ADD ( Attention Deficient Disorder) Dyslexia ( typically this is where they difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols) and very good chance he also has Dyspraxia (difficulty in muscle control, which causes problems with movement and coordination, language and speech, and can affect learning). We also discovered, he too has an above average IQ and is an auditory learner, which is why he talks, all the time. ALL, the time.

There is a chance the youngest will go into at a home once a week headstart program. He is so smart, and it could be good for him to get a jump on things. Otherwise, he is your typical bossy Threenager. It is a thing, trust  me.

Me, well I finally got my PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) under control. With 5 magical pills, I can function, some  days it feels like it is not very well but it is A LOT better then it was. Now, we move forward with skills and techniques to deal with my BPD ( Borderline Personality Disorder). Oh, and among caring for the three children above, and going to all of these appointments, I sat down with members our state legislators office, in person, and through email. Why you my ask, because I can't let anything go. I didn't want our story to die in vain, I wanted it to help, to be one more thing they look at it and be like man we need to get kids better services. Oh, and wait there is more, I am now looking into filling grievances with the state hospital that we worked with because, to be frank, they sucked.

So there you have it. Two months of my life summed up all neat and pretty in 6 paragraphs. There is so much more to be said, but I don't think I am ready. I'm just not ready.


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