Love Your Body

There have been some thoughts rolling around in my head again. I always feel better when I write it. However, a lot of people don't know this about me. 

First I am going to open with a trigger warning about eating disorders. If you or someone you know have an eating disorder, or you suspect someone does, here is a link I found that has some resources: . 

Any body ( space there on purpose) can have an eating disorder. It doesn't matter your gender, your age, your lifestyle, or your economic status, it can happen. You can be thin or you can be obese and still, in fact have an eating disorder. 

I have been overweight most of my life. I have had unhealthy relationships with food. I have had unhealthy food idols. I also have been diagnosed with an eating disorder. It no longer sits in my medical chart, but it doesn't mean that I don't struggle. Recovery isn't linear. 

Yes, you can be overweight and have an eating disorder. Having more weight on your frame means it can affect you differently. For me, it means I tanked my metabolism more then once, which makes it harder to loose weight, because you body just assumes you are going into starvation mode and stores EVERYTHING. I for the longest time couldn't tell ( still struggle here) when I was hungry. This can also be a side affect from eating disorders, your body misses cues, and is constantly in survival mode. Emotionally and physically this plays a role in your health, and together it is a perfect storm of self hatred and bad health habits. 

I learned that I can go three days without eating but then I pass out. I learned I can go about a week only eating 500 calories a day before it catches up with me. I also learned doing these experiments that my body hates me doing this. I picked up a trip or two, to the ER this way. I passed out more then once doing this, and had to get stitches. 

Here is the truth, every body deserves to be loved in the BODY they are in. You have to love yourself before you can make healthy changes. You have to learn to be okay in your body. You have to respect the fact that NO BODY IS PERFECT. Seriously. NO BODY IS PERFECT. 

Here's to stretch marks. Here's to people with scars. Here's to the people that live with chronic illnesses and still function. Here's to the men who struggle in silence with body image issues. Here's to the women who are size 4 naturally, and to the women who are gorgeous at a size 18. Don't let the world tell you are a less than. Most importantly, don't listen to the voice in your head that says you aren't beautiful. 

You were born an original, remember that. You are the only one of you, embrace it. Love yourself. Take care of yourself. Be kind to you, that's the voice you hear the most, so be kind and love your body. 


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