Check on your strong friends

It's been a hard year, one of the hardest I have had in a while. I wrote the world's shortest obituary this year. I've said goodbye to too many people. I have been to too many wakes, too many funerals. I have picked up more diagnosis this year then well I think I have ever in one year. I'm not doing so well health wise or mentally but you wouldn't really know. I put the mask on and go on like normal. It's easier to be numb and burry it. So I go to the meetings, I help, I check on others, I do all the things, because that's what I am supposed to do. I act like me, the outer shell is me. Inside, there's a war going on, and I am just trying to survive the demons that live in my head. I scream from the roof tops check on your strong friends. I scream from the roof tops it's okay to not be okay. I scream from the roof tops you can't pour from an empty cup. I scream and I mean it, because inside these are my demons I am battling. This year, I am on...