We all fight a battle behind closed doors

So there has been too much going on in the land of Chaos and maybe when life is on a more stable track and I know things are in a better direction I will write about that. For now this is my first rant/vent post.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and something had happened because when I arrived somebody was being placed on a stretcher, there was a firetruck, an ambulance, and like three cop cars. I waited to go in because it was me and the baby, had I had either one of the other boys I would have gone home. We get to checkout, and the cashier is being a chatty cathy and totally being unprofessional in discussing what happened. The cashier made a comment about how the person seemed to be special needs and proceeded to spout off.

Nope, not me, not going to keep my mouth shut. I shut down the cashier, oh and the person running the front of the store was the bagger. Yup schooled them too.

Many people suffer from invisible illness. I have my imaginary brain tumors, depression, anxiety and all that jazz, oldest is on the Autism spectrum, middle child has some mystery neurological disorder, we still have no clue, hubs is similar to me and the boys. We appear normal, but on a bad day, when more than one of us is having a bad day.................yeah it's not pretty. I have friends who have Chron's disease, Fibro, I have family that have suffered heart attacks, strokes, etc, and on a good day we all may appear normal. On the inside though, our bodies ache, we are on the verge of a nervous breakdown or whatever.

Does it make it any less serious because you can't see it?????????? Does it make it any less because you can't feel it?????

I call bullshit. I 100% call bullshit. You never know the story behind the person. Having special needs children I know there IS a difference between a MELTDOWN and a Temper trantrum. There is a difference between a person trying to cop and help themselves in a situation and others not being sensitive. The whole thing at the grocery store TOTALLY could have been avoided from what the gossip mongers were talking about.

Secondly there's this political everybody on assistance posts rolling through my feed. Those piss me off too. I can sum it all up all though and put a pretty bow on it:

You can't sum every situation up as the same. There is a world you don't see, and assuming that what you see on the outside is how it really is shows your ignorance. We all fight a battle behind closed doors just some are better at hiding it.


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